4Ms Behavioral Health Resources
What Matters
- Getting Your Affairs in Order Infographic (NIA)
- IHI Age Friendly Health Systems – Guide to Using 4Ms Care
- IHI Age Friendly What Matters to Older Adults Toolkit
- Patient Summary of Health Priorities
- Tips to Boost Your Health As You Age (NIH)
- What Matters To Me Workbook (IHI) English | Spanish
- 10 Medications Older Adults Should Avoid or Use with Caution
- Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test – Concise (AUDIT-C)
- Alternatives for Medicines on the Beers Criteria List
- Avoiding Overmedication
- Cannabis Use Disorder Identification Test (CUDIT-R)
- Journal of American Geriatrics Society – 2019 – Updated AGS Beers Criteria
- My Medication Record Form (NCOA)
- My Story and My Medications
- Personal Medicines List (CDC)
- What To Do If A Medication You Take Is On the Beers List
- Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS)
- Mini-Cog Pocket Card (2018)
- Six Item Screener to Identify Cognitive Impairment
- SLUMS Examination
- Standardized English Mini-Cog (2021)
- My Mobility Plan (CDC)
- Highest Level of Mobility Scale
- STEADI for Older Adults (CDC) Video
- The Timed Up and Go (TUG) Test Video Demonstration
Brain Health
- 10 Ways to Love Your Brain (Alzheimer’s Association)
- 2022 Primary Prevention Recommendations to Reduce The Risk of Cognitive Decline
- Brain Health Basics (Administration for Community Living)
- Brain Health Brochure (SCDHEC.GOV)
- Brain Health Food Guide
- Brain Health Infographic (Neuroscience Group)
- GCBH Brain Health and Behavior Change Infographic
- GCBH Cognitively Stimulating Activities Infographic
- GCBH Heart and Brain Health Infographic
- GCBH Mental Wellbeing Infographic
- GCBH Music Infographic
- GCBH Nourishing Your Brain Health Infographic
- GCBH Physical Activity and Brain Health Infographic
- GCBH Sleep and Brain Health Infographic GCBH Sleep and Brain Health Infographic
- GCBH Social Engagement Infographic
- GCBH Supplements Infographic